Welcome to The Veteran Arts Workshop Online Portal (VAW-OP – [Vow-Op]).
Our vow to improve the lives and well-being of veterans and their families through art.
5 minutes before the class click on a class below. Any questions email info@exit12danceco.org.
What is VAW-OP? A short introduction.
This weeks classes (click on images to enlarge):
All classes will be held via Zoom. Here is a helpful document for using Zoom.
Please review and abide by VAW-OPs Community Agreement.
Lucid Mind/Lucid Body; A mindfulness and movement exploration geared to self expansion.
This workshop runs weekly and is 1 hour long.
Exit12 Movement Workshop: A movement workshop to improve stability, flexibility, and fluidity of movement.
This week’s workshop will focus on learning 3 basic movements.
This workshop will utilize free writing as a vehicle for conversion, connection and empowerment.
Guided Meditation This one hour workshop offers grounding, breathing, a guided meditation and the chance to process in community.
A weekly class open to all veterans focused on interweaving personal writings with the decontextualized language of Shakespeare, applying stage skills as life skills, and the communalization of trauma. Taught by DE-CRUIT staff on a rotating basis.
This workshop runs weekly and is 1.5 hours long.
See class listings in calendar.
Join the conversation after class by joining the VAW-OP Facebook Group.